Thursday, 9 June 2016

BL009 - INTERVIEW w/ Thomas Goemare - Discussing Bitcoin Merchant adoption in Ypres city

Thomas' ultimate goal is living independently from centralised services like banks. Though he is a developer, he chose to leave the computer what it is in his free time, and went 'on the road'. 

Inspired by the Ghent Bitcoinstad project, he kicked off his own project 'ieper bitcoinstad', his hometown Ieper located in Flanders Fields in a remote corner of the country. 

Ypres (aka leper), is a town in the Belgian province of West Flanders. It's surrounded by Ypres Salient battlefields, where many cemeteries, memorials and war museums honor the German-Allied battles that unfolded in this area during World War I.

Topcis covered during this Blab are : 
- Thomas' real life experiences of promoting Bitcoin for retailers.
- How to spread the word about Bitcoin Ieperstad.
- What is there to win when merchants in town accept bitcoin?


Project description (Dutch)

Handouts - flyers for merchants

Planning to accept bitcoin as merchant ? Checklout